Friday, February 3, 2012

The Scale

I have already fallen short on my resolution to blog more, but I’m happy to report it’s because there has been so much happening. I can’t wait to tell you about it all.

First, I would like to report my weigh in after my first week of eating, after the cleanse, was 178 lbs. I feel amazing and am so happy I cleaned my system out again. However, part of my “finding balance” journey brought me to make the decision to get rid of the scale. It’s no longer an aide in my weight loss but a hurdle. My emotions are so often determined by what the scale says. I don’t want the scale to have that kind of power in my life. I am so close to my goal size and that’s what I want it to be about. I know how to lose the weight and/or the inches and I can do it without the scale now. I want to be a size 8. I’m afraid when I reach a size 8, if the scale doesn’t say the number I wanted it to, I will strive to get even smaller. I believe a size 8 is a good size for my body. The scale was an excellent tool to help me lose the majority of the weight. Now, though, it is causing emotional distress. It’s time for me to be happy with my body and how healthy I feel.

Does the scale have power in your life? How much? Does it literally change your mood for the day or even week? (If you are in the middle of a major weight loss journey you should weigh in weekly. It keeps you accountable.) I would love to hear some of your comments on this subject.

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