Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Cleanse. . . FINISHED!!

I DID IT!!!! I can't believe. I really wasn't sure I'd make it through this time. I'm so glad I did though. I feel fabulous and I lost a total of 22 lbs on it. I'll start my weigh ins again this Saturday so we'll see if I go up any. I'm expecting 5 lbs of so, just because that's what I've been told happens.

I jumped right back on my weight loss program. However, I'm allowing myself to eat 1500 calories per day. I'm working out an hour a day 5 days a week. This should bring more of a balance to my approach. As this year began and I thought about my weight loss program, I had a strong feeling that I'm suppose to work on balance now. I believe my intense approach over the past year and half was appropriate, but now it's time to bring things into balance. According to my last weigh in, I have approx. 24 lbs to go until I reach my goal weight. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I'm not sure how long it's going to take me to take it off and I want to be at my goal so badly. B-A-L-A-N-C-E that's the word of the year for me.

I'm beginning to train for another half marathon. Lord willing, I plan on running in the Eugene Half Marathon this year. If any of you would like to join me I would love it. It's the last Sunday in April so there's plenty of time. I can show you the training schedule I'll be following and you can start training with me. I begin by running on January 28th. If 6 miles scares you, don't worry. We can modify the schedule and work you up to it. Think about it. Do something you've always considered but never really thought you'd accomplish. Imagine how that would feel! Imagine how that could change other areas in your life.

Friday, January 13, 2012

The Cleanse. . .

Day 9: I feel great. I'm getting a lot accomplished and the food around me isn't even that appetizing. I'm surprised that I'm not craving anything this time around. Weight Update: I lost .5 lb on day 8.

Day 10: I woke up really tired. I couldn't really pull it together; I was tired all day. I must be dumping more toxins. I can't stomach the lemon drink anymore. I've gagged several times. I'm definitely drinking o.j. tomorrow. Weight Update: I lost 0 lbs on day 9.

Day 11: I GET TO DRINK OJ TODAY!!!! Yes. It tastes so good. I woke up with energy and I'm ready to tackle the day. Weight Update: I lost 2.5 lbs on day 10.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Cleanse. . .

Day 6: I feel GREAT today. I've perked back up and I'm getting things done. My kids are really happy with the lists I handed them today. :) Weight Update: I lost 2 lbs on day 5.

Day 7: I feel even better today. The drink is still not great, but I'm dealing. I'm looking forward to drinking OJ on Friday. :) Weight Update: I lost 2 more lbs on day 6.

Day 8: I'm still feeling good. I'm at the point where you feel like you could do this for longer than the 10 days. Plus the weight loss is nice so maybe I could just do this until I'm done. JK! Weight Update: I lost .5 lb on day 7.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Weight Loss Before and After

I'm sure most of you have seen this picture on Facebook but my Mom wants me to post here too. :)  This is after losing 121.5 lbs. I still have another 31 lbs to lose in order to reach my goal weight.

The Cleanse continues . . .

Day 3: Today was fairly easy. . . until it was time to cook dinner. I wasn't hungry but my desire to eat was overwhelming. It's amazing how the mental desire to eat is so strong. Weight update - I lost 3 lbs on day 2.

Day 4: Today is awful. I want to eat everything in sight. Just focusing on the drink. . . focus. on. the. drink. The drink is still not tasting any better. (I'm really making you want to do this cleanse, aren't I?!) Weight update: I lost another 2.5 lbs on day 3.

Day 5: Doing this on the weekends is always torturous. Today was extremely difficult, but today I'm very hungry and feel very weak. The smooth move tea I drank last night didn't do it's job today. I'm drinking quite a bit more tonight in hopes it'll work tomorrow. I have to keep the toxins exiting the building, if you know what I mean. :) Weight update: I lost another 2.5 lbs on day 4.

Just a reminder, I'm not doing this for the weight loss. I'm doing it to cleanse my body of toxins. The weight loss is a welcome side effect.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 1 and 2 of The Cleanse

Day 1 - I weighed. Ugh! I gained 15 lbs over the past two weeks. Of course I don't believe that's fat, but it was a hard number to look at. This day was AWEFUL!!! I had the caffeine headache of the century. I made it through it though. I'm not picking up soda again. I promise! 

Day 2 - I weighed and lost 6 of the 15 lbs. Today has been much better. I've had a few signs of the headache, but all in all it's been a good day. I've had a hard time drinking the drink today. My stomach turns when I drink it. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow. I just keep thinking how good I'm going to feel by the end of this. 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!!

This year brings so much hope, so much excitement, and so many questions. This year I will reach my goal weight and size. This year I will run another half marathon and I will run in my first full marathon. This year I will begin college. This year I will learn more about how food affects my health. I am so excited to see how this year plays out.

This year I have big plans like attending college, plans to go on an exciting vacation, and plans to move. I have small plans like creating a family memory jar, getting 8 hours of sleep a night and blogging more frequently.

Tomorrow I will begin the year with a cleanse. I am doing the Master’s Cleanse again. I thought it would be a great way to begin the New Year; all cleaned out and ready to maintain my health. Then I begin training for the Eugene Half Marathon. I would love it if you would join me this year. A Half Marathon is very obtainable and you will feel like you have conquered the world. Let me know if you would like to try it and I can send you the training schedule I follow. From there I will continue training so I will be ready to run a full marathon Labor Day weekend in Sunriver.

If you have not set any goals for this year, I would encourage you to. Maybe you just need to say you’ll get out and walk 3 days a week for 45 minutes or maybe you want to read for a half hour every night instead of watch television. Set a few obtainable goals and then set a few that feel just a little out of reach. Make a plan, stick to it, and see what happens. You will be amazed!