Saturday, September 24, 2011

Weigh Day!!

Weigh day is BACK!! I'm back to posting my weight every Saturday until I finish my goal. This morning I weighed 181 lbs. That leaves 31 lbs until I reach my goal weight of 150 lbs. I can't believe I'm so close.

The cleanse is officially done. I get to eat tomorrow. It's definitely one of the hardest things I've ever done, but it was worth it. I feel amazing. I feel as though I have a clean slate. I'm excited about this next phase of my weight loss and to see what this next year brings.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 8 of "The Cleanse"

Today is day 8. I'm glad to be back to work today because it will distract me. This weekend was difficult because I was around food all weekend. I'm feeling fabulous though. I didn't have a caffeine headache & my head feels clear. I'm excited about all the toxins that are being released and how good I'm going to feel from now on. The drink is getting better. The first few days I couldn't imagine drinking it for 10 days, but it's not bad now. Thursday I get to drink OJ all day. I'm very excited about that.

I'll start posting weigh ins again this Saturday. I realized today I haven't posted my weight for weeks. The last time I posted my weight I was 186 lbs. According to that weight I have 36 lbs until I reach my goal weight. It's so close.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Day 5 of "The Cleanse"

Yesterday was good. I wasn't in a fog and my energy kept up with me. I went for a run again. I was still only able to do 2 miles. I'm going to start doing IT band stretches to see if that helps. This morning I'm feeling good. This is technically a colon cleanse & without being too graphic, I think my colon is clean. :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Day 3 of "The Cleanse"

I'm really wanting to eat food this morning. Not because I'm hungry, just because I want food. I'll get past it. I need to see this through. Only 9 more days until I can eat food. :)

I'm catching up on posting pictures. Here's one from the bake sale.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I have lots of energy this morning. I went and ran a short 2 miles to see how my knee would hold up. It gave me some fits so I'll just have to work it back in slowly.

Here are a few pictures from the half marathon.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Day 1 of "The Cleanse"

I'm sitting here in an almost comatose state. My diet, this past weekend, was HORRIBLE, to put it mildly. I ate anything and everything that was bad for me. This morning I tried to do a version of circuits, I'm still babying my knee, and could barely get through them. It's nearly impossible to keep my eyes open as I type this. Wow!! I don't know how I use to function eating this way all the time.  Today I start a 14 day cleanse. It's called the "Master's Cleanse". I'm looking forward to feeling better and having more energy. It's time to clean these toxins out! I've been told the first few days are difficult because of the initial toxin dump, but after a few days I should start feeling better. I tried doing this cleanse when I was very large and couldn't do it past 2 days. I was getting too ill. I think I'm in a good place to try it again. Here goes nothing. . .